President Secretary
Manis Clark Wright
Vice President Treasurer
Ronnie Schoolcraft Mike McCown
Sidney Sherman
Chapter #2 Minutes
The Sidney Sherman Chapter #2, Sons of the Republic of Texas membership
met at Kelley's Family Restaurant in Texas City between 6 and 8 P.M on September 20.
All officers officers except our Treasurer attended this meeting.
We had 11 member attend this meeting. Members attending were: Billy Mayo,
Clark Wright, Gus Mannis, Jim Cantrell, Larry Armstrong, Mike Mitchell, Mike Turner, Ron Schoolcraft, Stephen McCreery Jr, Steve Mannis and Thomas Kane.
Guests included: Chailee Manis, Christy Erickson, Gary Aucoin, Helena Aucoin, Jan Fountain, Katelyn McCreery, Leslye Mize, Linda McBee, Lynne Mize, Mike Mize, Pat Bennett, Rick Hodges, Stephen McCreery Sr., Tom Fountain, Trichel Manis and Windy McCreery.
Ron Schoolcraft opened the meeting with a prayer, and led us in the pledges to the American and Texas flags. Steve briefly reviewed upcoming activities including the Jane Long festival on Boliver. Later in October we will participate in the ceremony in Lakeview Cemetery at the Burnet Monument. These will all be annual events. Ron introduced Denton Bryant, Knight of San Jacinto and SRT member for 35 years.
Compatriot Bryant began with a list of ten (10) sources of material on James Bowie. In his early years James joined a brother named “Rezin” in speculation of land and slaves. This activity led to a relation with Jean Lafitte. Denton then gave us some background into the dueling mentality of 18th and 19 century, He went into considerable detail of the “Duel of the Sandbar” in which Jim Bowie killed Major Norris Wright after which Bowie made his way to Texas where he eventually wed the daughter of the Governor. And the rest we know!
Denton also brought some of his collection of knives, known as “Jim Bowie” knives. Bowie commissioned James Black, a blacksmith living in Washington Arkansas, to forge a knife specified by a wooden cutout. Black produced this and one of his own, which Jim Bowie liked so much that he purchased both. Black's design is known as the “Bowie Knife”. Denton recommended the State Park where the blacksmith shop still gives a sampling of the skill of blacksmith. Denton ended his presentation by exhibiting his sames of knives.
The meeting ended after 8 PM.
Your officers met on October 4 to plan chapter activities. Your Secretary was not able to attend this meeting.
Submitted by Clark P. Wright, Secretary