Chapter President
Vice President
Ronnie Schoolcraft
Chapter Secretary
Clark Wright
Chapter Treasurer
Bill Mayo
Robert Gindratt
Larry Armstrong
Sidney Sherman Chapter #2
January 23, 2018
The Sidney Sherman Chapter #2, Sons of the Republic of Texas gathered at Kelley's Family Restaurant in Texas City at 6 PM. on January 23, 2018.
President Steve Manis called the meeting to order at 6:39 pm. Vice President Ronnie Schoolcraft gave the invocation and led us in the pledges to the US flag and Texas flag. Steve indicated that the chapter has a camera to make a record of chapter activities. These will be posted on the Facebook page by Robert Gindratt who is in charge of Media.
We welcomed the only Knight of San Jacinto, Tom Green to attend. Tom took the opportunity to ask for participation in the upcoming Lamar Ceremony.
Two members introduced their wives as guests.
Steve indicated that we have about $1500 in assets, in preparation of fund raising activities, in particular, San Jacinto Day.
The Chapter Secretary reported that minutes are available online at the Chapter Web site:! The Treasurer reported that $2700 is in the Chapter bank acount.
We discussed the produce purchased for San Jacinto, we have a number of roasts, and 1700 bottles of water. Chaille Manis said to pray for a hot day.
Ronnie Schoolcraft introduced Mark Laradas of NASA Johnson Space Center who presented the program for the evening. Mark gave a thorough review of Shipwrecks of the Texas coast and related events. He provided an excellent review of Texas history, beginning with the conflicts between the Spaniards of the sixteenth century and the Indians, into the period when the French attempted to settle near Matagorda, then into the time of the Republic, onto the War between the States, World War I, World War II, and recent wrecks due to accidents in the Petro-Chemical Industry.
The sign-in record indicates that 19 people attended with 14 SRT members as follows: Bill Mayo, Charlie Gordy, Clark Wright, George Armstrong, Jim Cantrell, John Hamlin, Larry Armstrong, Matt Kane, Mike Mitchell, Robert Gindratt, Rodney Mize, Ron Schoolcraft, Scott Lea, Steve Manis.
Others included: Chaille Manis, Christy Erickson, Lynne Mize, Mark Laradas and Thomas Aucoin.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:15 P.M.
Chapter officers met on February 7 at 11 AM at Kelley's. The group spent some time reviewing the material of the Scrapbook which is taking shape for the Annual Meeting to be held in Georgetown March 2 through 4. Gus Manis will be remembered in this years scrapbook, while Mike McCown will be remembered in the 2018 scrapbook. Ronnie and Steve will attend. Preparations are well under way for our participation in the San Jacinto Day Celebration. We still hope to have two tents for this activity, one for food and another for Information. It was decided that we would not need to order checks, because the bank has provided what few checks we need. We have ordered a SRT medallion for Mike McCown which we will need to place at his grave at St. Patrick in San Patricio which is near Corpus Christi.
Prepared by Clark P. Wright, Secretary