Chapter President
Vice President
Ronnie Schoolcraft
Chapter Secretary
Clark Wright
Chapter Treasurer
Bill Mayo
Robert Gindratt
Larry Armstrong
Sidney Sherman Chapter #2
March 20, 2018
The Sidney Sherman Chapter #2, Sons of the Republic of Texas gathered at Kelley's Family Restaurant in Texas City just before 6 PM. on March 20, 2018.
President Steve Manis called the meeting to order at 6:35 pm. Vice President Ronnie Schoolcraft gave the invocation and led us in the pledges to the US. flag and Texas flag.
KSJ attendees: Tom Green and Ron Brown
Chapter Members attending: Bill Mayo, Bill Usher, Charlie Gordy, Clark Wright, Dan Burnet, David Ware, Doug Mabee, Doug McBee, George Armstrong, J.B. Kline, Jim Cantrell, John Hamlin, Larry Armstrong, Matt Kane, Mike Mitchell, Mike Turner, Robert Gindratt, Rodney Mize, Ron Schoolcraft, Scott Lea, Steve Manis, William McClaren
SRT Members attending: Albert Seguin Gonzales,
Guests attending: included Chaille Manis, Christy Erickson, Lynne Mize, Thomas Aucoin
Minutes: are available online at the Chapter Web site:!
Treasurer: reported that we have $1800 in the Chapter Bank Account.
Recent Chapter Activities: Several members attended a ceremony in Richmond in memory of Mirabeau B. Lamar. This included reading of several poems by President Lamar. We also had several in attendance at the Glenwood Cemetery off Washington Avenue in Houston remembering Anson Jones. Both Steve and Ron attended the Annual Meeting in Georgetown. Ron listed the major officers elected and summarized some of the committees that he attended. Steve said that all should attempt to attend at least one occurrence of the “Dawn at the Alamo” celebrations held in early March, this year on March 6.
Upcoming activities: We hope to have a delegation attend the Sam Houston Celebration in Huntsville, May 17-19.
March 27 will see the annual re-enactment in Goliad, and of course
April 17 chapter meeting at Kelley’s, anticipating April 21 Ceremony and Celebration at San Jacinto.
Additional FUNDRAISER: in October or November at the Jane Long Festival on Boliver Peninsula.
Speaker: Steve introduced Elizabeth Appleby who is a resident of League City and a curator for the San Jacinto Museum.
Elizabeth began by saying that the collection is quite large and only 5 to 8 percent deals with the battle itself. Beside uniforms, the collection includes one cannon ball and a number of rifle shells. A larger portion of the collection dealt with the construction of the monument located at San Jacinto. Beside the public exhibit, a very large collection is stored in the basement. One point that was made that the elevator is still not air conditioned due to its length.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:15 PM.
Chapter Officers met on April 4 at Kelley’s. The primary agenda of this meeting was a discussion of the preparation for San Jacinto day. Everything is moving along well. We also discussed the list of delinquent members according to the Administrative Assistant as delivered by email from Bay City. The Chapter Secretary will send out notices to selected names on the list. See the letter amongst the minutes.
Corrected April 22 by Clark P. Wright, Secretary