President Secretary
Manis Clark Wright
Vice President Treasurer
Ronnie Schoolcraft Billy Mayo
Fellow member of the Sons of the Republic of Texas (SRT):
Recently, I received a list of members active in the Sidney Sherman, Chapter #2, from the SRT office in Bay City. I think the list has some deficiencies and need your assistance in this regard.
Your name was listed as delinquent of dues. I have already discussed this with one who assured me that he had sent his dues in November. He is providing the Bay City office with evidence that his dues are current. Please let me know the when and how your most recent payment was made.
I would prefer that you communicate with me via email, but
you are welcome to respond at my home address.
Your reasonable response will be appreciated,
Clark P. Wright
5000 Park Avenue
Dickinson, Texas 77539-7013
P.S. Check the web site for the latest:
We will be having a chapter meeting April 17.