Chapter President
Vice President
Ronnie Schoolcraft
Chapter Secretary
Clark Wright
Chapter Treasurer
Bill Mayo
Robert Gindratt
Larry Armstrong
Sidney Sherman Chapter #2
July 17, 2018
The Sidney Sherman Chapter #2, Sons of the Republic of Texas gathered at Kelley's Family Restaurant in Texas City before 6 PM. on July 17, 2018.
President Steve Manis called the meeting to order at 6:08 pm. Vice President Ronnie Schoolcraft gave the invocation and led us in the pledges to the U.S. and Texas flag.
KSJ attendees: none
Chapter Members attending: A. Scott Lea, Billy Mayo, Clark Wright, David Ware, Doug McBee, J.B. Kline, Jim Cantrell, Larry Armstrong, Mike Mitchell, Mike Turner, Rodney Mize, Ron Schoolcraft, Scott Langford, and Steve Manis,
SRT Members attending: Albert Seguin Gonzales, for a total of 15 SRT members
Guests attending: included Adolpfo Mondragon[sic], Carol Mitchell, Carolina Crimm (presenter), Chaille Manis, Christy Erickson, Javier Rivas, Linda McBee, Thomas Aucoin and his wife Helena with Roslyn Davis, Tom and his wife Pat Godwin for a total of 19 guests
Minutes of recent meetings are all available online on the Chapter Web Site. Contact any of the officers for comments or corrections. The chapter Treasurer reported over 4000 dollars in the bank account.
Recent Chapter Activities: Steve attended the Sam Houston Celebration in Huntsville. He indicated that Ben Warren attended. Steve also attended an event at the San Felipe de Austin Museum in that town. Ron reviewed the Board of Manager meeting in Bay City in June. It will be 25 years that the Society Headquarters has been in that town. At that meeting, Steve was made the District Representative to replace Ron Brown who will now chair a committee to establish a Black Powder Policy.
Upcoming activities: Participation is encouraged for Texian Navy Day, September 14, the Gonzales Ceremony October 2, and remembrance of Steven F. Sustin’s birthday in Angleton on November 3.
Additional FUNDRAISER: We will attend the Jane Long Festival on Boliver Peninsula in sometime in October or November.
OLD BUSINESS: Our flag set is almost complete. We have standing at this meeting, the U.S., Texas and San Jacinto flags. Our SRT flag is on the way and should be ready for the September meeting.
OLD BUSINESS: We discussed the frequency of our meetings. Several members spoke out against holding monthly meetings. They also indicated that our turnout is out growing the room at Kelley’s.
Speaker: Steve introduced Carolina Castillo Crimm, Phd., professor of history at Sam Houston University in Huntsville. Carolina is a naturalized citizen who was born in Mexico. Her first story was of a journey she had to visit her birth place. This led to her research in Mexico City regarding families who participated in the De Leon Empresario. Her research led to a Lt. Luis Vidal, mostly of Matamoros, but he also spent considerable time in Vera Cruz. Vidal had six children with Petra Vela (daughter of a provincial governor. Vidal died and the widow married Miffin Kenedy of the King Ranch.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:00 P.M.
On July 24, Chapter 2 officers met to discuss chapter business. Attendees were: Billy Mayo, Clark Wright, Larry Armstrong, Robert Gindratt, Ron Schoolcraft and Steve Manis. Steve displayed the SRT Flag, indicating that it will be at the September meeting. The group settled on providing a star fennel for this flag. A staff and stand have yet to be procured/manufactured for this flag. We had some discussion about our flag in the image of the flag brought to San Jacinto by Sidney Sherman. We decided that an upgrade of this flag to the same quality as our SRT, Texas and U.S. flags would be cost prohibitive. After discussing upcoming meetings, we set upon having meeting September through December, see the web page schedule. Steve indicated that he would have the chapter banner at the Astro baseball game on July 29. One of our meetings will have a presentation/discussion on the mutiny that occurred in the Texian Navy. Robert asked about the SRT meeting to be held in Richmond. We discussed the possibility of providing some kind of award to teachers who excel in instructing Texas History. Steve indicated that he would be on holiday after the baseball game and until September 5.
Chapter Officers met at Kelley's for lunch on Wednesday, September 12. Awards (medals/certificates) were discussed, as they were at the Quarterly meeting held in Bay City. The next such meeting will be in December. The Annual Meeting will be held in Beaumont, where the current chapter is inactive. It was the consensus of your officers that the Sons (SRT) should be issuing awards to specific acts of heroism, such as that of the Santa Fe Officer, John Barnes, who entered the school where an active "shooter" was killing students. Billy provided a Treasurers report. We also discussed the SRT Web Site which is now up and running, in spite of continued deficiencies.
Prepared by Clark P. Wright, Secretary, July 22 at 9 PM revised 27 at 3 PM