metChapter President
Vice President
Ronnie Schoolcraft
Chapter Secretary
Clark Wright
Chapter Treasurer
Bill Mayo
Robert Gindratt
Larry Armstrong
Sidney Sherman Chapter #2
October 16, 2018
The Sidney Sherman Chapter #2, Sons of the Republic of Texas gathered at Kelley's Family Restaurant in Texas City before 6 PM. on October 16, 2018.
President Steve Manis called the meeting to order at 6:38 pm. Vice President Ronnie Schoolcraft gave the invocation and led us in the pledges to the U.S. and Texas flag.
KSJ attendees: Tom Green
New Members: President Manis announced that we have three new members: Richard Barnes,Frank Schwalm, and Gary Wolfe. He also inducted Helena Aucoin as Honorary Member.
Chapter Members attending: George and Larry Armstrong (Quartermaster), Thomas Aucoin, Dan Burnett, Jim Cantrell, Robyn Davis, Robert Gindratt (Media), J.B. Kline, Scott Lea, Steven Manis (President), Billy Mayo (Treasurer), Doug McBee, Stephen McCreery, Rodney Mize, Ronnie Schoolcraft (Vice-President), and Clark Wright (Secretary).
SRT Members attending: Albert Seguin Gonzales, for a total of 16 SRT members.
Guests attending: included Helena Aucoin, Chaille Manis, Linda McBee, Leslye Mize, Wendy McCreery, Barry Wolfe, Richard Barnes and Jim Glover (speaker)for a total of 25 attendees.
Minutes of recent meetings are all available online on the Chapter Web Site. Clark Wright moved to accept the September minutes, J.B. Kline seconded the motion. The chapter Treasurer reported about 3800 dollars in the bank account.
Ancestor Roll call: Members identified themselves with a synopsis of their connection to the Republic of Texas.
Recent Chapter Activities: Several members attended the recent “Katy Rice Festival”. The Sam Houston Chapter of Katy is also looking for new, younger members. Their members appear to be more elderly than ours.
Upcoming activities: The annual ceremony in Lakeview Cemetery will occur on October 18 just after 10 AM. and this year will accommodate the participation of the students from Burnet School in Galveston. The monument at that location is dedicated to both David Burnet and Sidney Sherman. We will will also make a presentation for Officer Barnes of Santa Fe on November 9th. There will also be the annual remembrance of Steven F. Austin’s birthday in Angleton and one in San Felipe de Austin on November 3. We have a Membership meeting on November 20. For December the chapter plans to meet on the 11th for a “Family Display”, something related to Texas.
New Business: Steve indicated that Ron would not stand next for the position of Vice President for 2019, so the job is open for any interested and that we also need a Chaplin. He indicated that we might go for two Vice Presidents next year. Steve indicated that a new order for jackets with the chapter name and logo would be up-coming and that several sample are available for prospects to try on.
Speaker: Steve introduced Jim Glover of Angleton. Jim is a member of Stephen F. Austin Chapter #6 of the Sons of the Republic of Texas, he also participates in the Texas Army, an “avid re-enactor and passionate historian”. His talk was of the “Ten Leagues and a Filibuster”. Jim took us back to the Spanish Tactics of war, which were derived from Moorish methods used in Iberia in the 15th and 16th centuries. At the beginning of the 19th century, Mexico was in power over the area from New Orleans to Mexico City. The Ten League Rule was implemented to keep anyone from overthrowing the government then in power, being at that time the Mexicans. Filibusters were the pirates of that time.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:55 PM.
Prepared by Clark P. Wright, Secretary, October 17, 2018, revised November 18