Chapter President
Vice President
Ronnie Schoolcraft
Chapter Secretary
Clark Wright
Chapter Treasurer
Bill Mayo
Robert Gindratt
Larry Armstrong
Sidney Sherman Chapter #2
November 20, 2018
The Sidney Sherman Chapter #2, Sons of the Republic of Texas gathered at Kelley's Family Restaurant in Texas City before 6 PM. on November 20, 2018.
President Steve Manis called the meeting to order at 6:34 pm. He gave the invocation and led us in the pledges to the U.S. and Texas flag.
KSJ attendees: Tom Green
New Members: President Manis announced that we have three new members and several application in progress.
Chapter Members attending: Larry Armstrong (Quartermaster), Thomas Aucoin, Robert Gindratt (Media), Albert Seguin Gonzales, J.B. Kline, Scott Langford, Scott Lea, John Lucas, Bobby Manis, Steven Manis (President), Billy Mayo (Treasurer), Doug McBee, Mike Mitchell, Rodney Mize, Mike Turner, and Clark Wright (Secretary)for a total of 19 members.
Guests attending: included Helena Aucoin, Doug Kubicek , Chaille Manis, Linda McBee, Leslye Mize, Frank Schwalm, Caroll Scogin-Brincefield and for a total of 25 attendees.
Minutes of recent meetings are all available online on the Chapter Web Site. The chapter Treasurer reported just under 4000 dollars in the bank account.
Election: President Manis announced the slate of officers proposed for 2019:
Steve Manis, President
Robin Davis, Vice President
Clark Wright, Secretary
Billy Mayo, Treasurer
Robert Gindratt, Media
Larry Armstrong, Quartermaster
Albert Seguin Gonzales moved to elect this slate by acclamation. Scott Lea seconded this motion, which passed without dissent.
Recent Chapter Activities: The ceremony remembering the administration of President David G. Burnet held in Lakeview Cemetery next to the monument erected for Burnet and Sherman by the DRT on October 18 was well attended and included a class from the School bearing the name of Burnet. Several members attended the celebration of the birthday of Stephen F. Austin in Angleton on November 3. President Manis participated in a 90 minute call in program on KHEA radio. Several members joined the Tomball Christmas Parade.
Upcoming activities: We discussed the Christmas party, and a general consensus was that we should hold it on Wednesday December 12 instead of Tuesday the 11th.
Upcoming National Events: We expect to participate in “Dawn at the Alamo” which will be held on March 6, 2019. The National Meeting will be held March 15-17 in Beaumont at the MCM Elgante Hotel at the intersection of US287 and I10.
Old Business: The members discussed the schedule for 2019, and it was decided to have meetings each month, possibly with one (1) single exception.
New Business: Having elected officers for 2019, Steve indicated that time is running out to order jackets, but that the response for this sale was excellent.
Speaker: Steve introduced out presenters Carroll Scogin-Brincefield and Doug Kubicek. Ms. Brincefield’s family came to Texas in the early 1800’s settling in DeWitt and Lavaca counties. She can trace her family history back to one of the first settlers of Jamestown and on to the first settlers of Texas. She received her Bachelor of Science Degree in History and Anthropology and her Master of Art in History at Central Missouri State University.
Mr. Kubicek, a native Texian born and raised in Shiner, Texas. He graduated from Sam Houston State University in Huntsville with a degree in U. S. History and Cultural Geography. He is a 50+year member of the Texas Historical Commission and Lavaca County Historical Commission and currently is serving as chairperson and Archeological Steward and served on the executive board of the East Texas Historical Association.
Together, they are in the process of writing a book on the Runaway Scrape. They made it clear that the episode should not be called a scrape, so they are entitling their next publication: Flight to Sabine. They are undertaking an extensive search for stories of the people who suffered through the events of those months leading up to the Battle of San Jacinto. They recalled that the weather that year was horrible and the return to their homes was more traumatic than their attempt to escape the Mexican Army. They discussed the various means to affect their escape, with detail of the river transportation used.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:08 PM.
Chapter Officers (Steve, Larry, Robert, Clark, Billy) met at Kelley’s for lunch on January 9. Primary concern at this meeting is the arrangement for this years meetings. Members will meet at least once a month, primarily, the third Tuesday of each month. We will meet April 9 (before the San Jacinto activities which are so important to us). Speakers have already been arranged for January, March, and April. This year the only purchase needed for the San Jacinto Ceremony is food. The Chapter is already registered and some arrangements have been made for insurance and logistics support. Billy briefly discussed the treasury.
Prepared by Clark P. Wright, Secretary, November 26, 2018, revised January 9